My PV Solar Stuff

My Useless PV statistics

Monday, March 11th, 2013 Data, My PV Solar Stuff 10 Comments

Here are some statistics for my PV system as at March 2013 (Since June 2011).

Total generated since June 2011 is 8360kWh. I have exported 6994kWh and self consumed the difference, 1366kWh. I have imported 2780kWh for the same period.

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Two PV solar milestones reached this week

Sunday, September 11th, 2011 My PV Solar Stuff 2 Comments

I reached two (minor) milestones this week (2nd week of September 2011).

    1) I generated my 1st MWh of energy. (1,000kWh)

    2) My the solar export register value overtook and became greater than my import register value on my electricity meter. (Export 639.5kWh vs. Import 629.8kWh the import register (the import register is the total of the peak and off peak consumption. The smart meter is so smart, it can’t show me what I use in peak and off peak separately).

My cost of Electricity

Sunday, August 28th, 2011 Data, My PV Solar Stuff 1 Comment

I’ve posted this to justify paying an expensive rate for peak electricity with my retailer TRU Energy.

The other advantage I have is; I have my Electricity and Gas with the same retailer so I can ring up and request that my electricity credit be put onto my gas bill. (Plus I get a discount on my Gas bill by having both accounts with the same retailer).

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Night time “sleeping” load / consumption of my grid connected inverter(s)

Friday, August 5th, 2011 Inverter, My PV Solar Stuff 18 Comments

I’ve seen several threads and posts on various forums where people have mentioned their concerns about the apparent power their grid connect inverters use of a night when the inverter is shut down or sleeping.

I highlighted the term “apparent power” as that is all it is when using a basic clamp on device such as a Current Cost EnviR and the likes to measure the solar PV system generation.

On my EnviR my EverSolar inverters show a power consumption of 37W each when they are shut down, but in reality it is only 0.4W

The apparent power consumed by the inverter when it is dark and the PV panels are not producing power is not the full story and is not what the consumer is being charged for.

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Some quirks when using the EverSolar PMU and AS Control software

Monday, July 18th, 2011 Monitoring 15 Comments

This post is about using the EverSolar PMU and AS Control plus some quirks I’ve come across when using them.

The post is mainly to do with having all the data stored in the PMU available for AS Control to display. Especially when a PC isn’t connected to the PMU 24/7 or when accessing the data remotely (off site). If you want to do a file import / export or look at graphs of past history AS Control uses the databases on the computer AS_Control is running on. If it hasn’t been logging live data for a while then there is not much data to look at, the only data stored on the PC is data collected while connected to the PMU when the PV System is running and the inverter is on.

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"I spent most of my money on Scotch, women and cigarettes. The rest I just wasted"


Today’s Solar Generation