A scam, but how?
Part II is here >> A scam, but how? Part II
I don’t know how this scam works, or what they get out of it. Do they get the circuit breakers using a stolen credit card number and then we get hit with a charge back? Or do they then decide to pay us by some other method when a dialogue is started? If I wasn’t so busy at work I’d reply to one of these to find out how it works.
I’ll paste a couple of samples.. I get them semi regularly. They are submitted via the online contact page on our web page.
Sample #1
This is an enquiry e-mail via http://keemin.com.au from:
Mr. Terry Smith <terry.smith3008@gmail.com>
Hello Owner,
My name is Mr. Terry Smith, and i am inquiring about safety switches and i want to know if you do have some in stock or if you can special order them for me. Please if you can special order them for me i will be very glad for you to email me back the total cost for the safety switches and the quantities below.
63A 2 Pole Hager earth leakage circuit breakers………Qty : 30
Please kindly get back to me with the total cost including GST only but excluding freight cost OK. If i may ask, do you take credit card payments and whats the surcharge on each card you take? Also how soon can you get them ready for the pick up if i make the payment to you?
Thank you and i look forward to your reply shortly.
Mr. Terry Smith
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