Great Ocean Road Sept 08

Friday, September 26th, 2008 Rides 2 Comments

Signs on the GOR

New rubber on the bike, nice day, took half of it off to go for a ride to the coast. Apologies to the local guys, it was a spur of the moment thing. 430km, 1st ride of the new season I guess.
More signs, no pubs unlike this blog >

Lot’s of pictures follow
All Images can be clicked for a big one.
A lot have probably seen this sign, visitor to the GOR or not.
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Travel times. I went to Skenes Ck, then inland for 30km over the Otway Ranges. Turn around at the West Barwon Reservoir as it flattens and straightens out, head back to the coast and fuel up at Apollo Bay.
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1st real view of the ocean I got at Anglesea.
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A touristy shot for a little history
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You have to love roads that hug the coast
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A pic of the bike
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Some Great Ocean Road Signs.
Watch out for Echidna’s (Spiny Anteater)
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Here’s a sample one
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Some international tourists are a cause of accidents. They pull out of parking areas and promptly drive on the wrong side of the road.
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It’s a prick of a road for overtaking.
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Signs like this are always good to see.
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Warning for Stunters
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"I spent most of my money on Scotch, women and cigarettes. The rest I just wasted"


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