Steve’s Stuff


Tuesday, August 31st, 2010 Steve's Stuff 57 Comments

I suffer from omphalophobia.

I didn’t think to look it up before now and not only does my fear of belly buttons have a name, there are others out there that feel exactly the same way as I do.

I can look at mine or someone else’s belly button, but I can’t touch mine, can’t stand having mine touched by someone else and I can’t stand someone else touching their own.

Piercings etc are fine, as long as they’re not being played with.

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A scam, but how?

Saturday, August 14th, 2010 Scams and Spam 34 Comments

Part II is here >> A scam, but how? Part II

I don’t know how this scam works, or what they get out of it. Do they get the circuit breakers using a stolen credit card number and then we get hit with a charge back? Or do they then decide to pay us by some other method when a dialogue is started? If I wasn’t so busy at work I’d reply to one of these to find out how it works.

I’ll paste a couple of samples.. I get them semi regularly. They are submitted via the online contact page on our web page.

Sample #1

This is an enquiry e-mail via from:

Mr. Terry Smith <>

Hello Owner,

My name is Mr. Terry Smith, and i am  inquiring about safety switches and i want to know if you do have some in stock or if you can special order them for me. Please if you can special order them for me i will be very glad for you to email me back the total cost for the safety switches and the quantities below.

63A 2 Pole Hager earth leakage circuit breakers………Qty : 30

Please kindly get back to me with the total cost including GST only but excluding freight cost OK. If i may ask, do you take credit card payments and whats the surcharge on each card you take? Also how soon can you get them ready for the pick up if i make the payment to you?

 Thank you and i look forward to your reply shortly.


Mr. Terry Smith

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Professional Spam

Saturday, August 14th, 2010 Scams and Spam No Comments

How professional can you be when you use a gmail email address to spam and try and sell a service? A link to the company and a company email address would go a long way to making these emails legitimate, but I guess they aren’t legitimate so it doesn’t matter that they think using a public email address is OK.

Keith Madison <>

As a leading provider of internet search solutions including: Link Building, SEO and Internet Marketing. We offer a high quality service and best value for money, with proven results. Please contact us if you are interested.

Spam, Spam, Spam

Wednesday, July 28th, 2010 Scams and Spam No Comments

They must find victims, otherwise they wouldn’t send them out I guess. The gullible and greedy get done I suppose.

The following is the first paragraph or two or sometimes the entire message from a bunch of scam spam email. Some of these email’s I’ve received a bunch of times. They’ll either try and get some money out of you or get you to give enough information to for identity theft.

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Gorge Walk 18 July 2010

Sunday, July 18th, 2010 Maps 2 Comments

Werribee Gorge Short Circuit walk on the 18th July 2010.

The screen shot shows we took an hour and thirtyfive minutes to do 6.69km at an average speed of 4.2km/h. I’ve put the elevation changes graph up too.

werribee gorge short circuit walk

Short circuit walk data

You can click the satellite view for a better idea of the gully we started following and then doubled back to stay on the correct path.

Elevation Profile

Here’s some of Allison’s wrist GPS data:

Running-Werribee-Gorge-18-07-2010 map

Werribee Gorge



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"I spent most of my money on Scotch, women and cigarettes. The rest I just wasted"


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