
Monitoring my Washing machine power consumption

Saturday, July 23rd, 2011 Steve's Stuff 2 Comments

I monitored the power consumption of my washing machine and was surprised by the results.

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My solar monitoring in the 1st week (or so)

Sunday, May 15th, 2011 Monitoring 14 Comments

I have an Eversolar TL1500AS inverter and a PMU.

I’ve been using a Current Cost “Classic” for over two years to monitor my house usage. I’ve been logging the data from that daily using Dale Lane’s “currentcost” software. I have a licence for the Techtoniq software but don’t use it as it really needs a PC on all the time which defeated the purpose IMHO. ( )

I bought a Current Cost EnviR and Bridge for my inverter and linked it to the Current Cost dashboard and Google Power meter so I could monitor the system where ever and when ever I wanted.

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"I spent most of my money on Scotch, women and cigarettes. The rest I just wasted"


Today’s Solar Generation